Thursday, August 2, 2012

Video Reflection IDES3222

An Inconvenient Truth, is a well-known title of the 2006 ‘film’ by Al Gore. The catalyst for many similar films in the coming years, the film is about environmental changes, and the effect humans are having on it, with the point that humans are the crux of the problem. Originally I had chosen to review the 11th hour, but didn’t make it past the first 15 minutes – relegating it to a crackpot classification. It, on face valve looked to be conveying the same message as Al Gore’s film, but seemed to enjoying circulating around ‘doom and gloom’ aspect.

Al Glore’s film did a much better job of holding my attention and conveying his point. His use of visuals, graph’s and hard data allowed me to gain a much clearer insight into the effects that us, as humans are having on the environment, and the consciences of our races actions.
The knock on effects of ice cap melting really surprised me. While I was aware that the changes in oceans level could has devastating affects, I had no idea about that’s effects on the oceans currents and that that could lead to an ice age, nor the exponential increases in temperature from the equator too the poles. The film clarified the a few misconceptions as well (cause and effect) in a few elements of my understanding.

Important to note, for those playing at home, Al Gore message is delivered in a way where the viewer finds it interesting proving it’s not what you’re saying but how you’re are saying it – Notable to is the memo that lots of small differences in electrical, vehicular and transport efficiencies and end-use can have such a large impact. More so on this: the whole concept presented is within reach - “Humanity already possesses the fundamental scientific, technical and industrial know-how to solve the carbon and climate problems…” (Stephen Pacola and Robert Sacolow). I think this is important.

As an industrial designer, it has been interesting as no concepts discussed are directed towards, or are in direct control of an industrial designer, but the message presented is empowering. Small differences, where industrial design is concerned, CAN make a difference and through the change in not only actions but morals and habits the world can be a better place. This is especially important when an industrial designer is working within an industry of high consumption of waste or those who have an effect on such things, not just those who design ‘environmental’ things.

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